
Showing posts from May 12, 2015


Then when you recite Quran, ask refuge of ALLAH from the devil (Satan) the rejected one. Suroh Nahli-16 (The Bee) Verse 98 Undoubtedly, It is from Sulaiman and It is by the name of ALLAH, the Most Affectionate, and the Merciful. Suroh Namli-27 (The Ant) Verse 30 And indeed ALLAH created man and ALLAH knows what his soul whisper within him, and ALLAH is nearer to him than even his jugular vein.  Suroh Kof-50 (The Arabic Letter Kof) Verse 16  "And certainly, ALLAH has made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, So is there any who will receive admonition?"  Al Komar-The Moon-54, Verses 17,22,32 & 40. Essential to understand Quran in Bangla Essential to understand Quran in English Suroh Baqaroh (The Cow) And if they both separate, then ALLAH will make each of you independent from the other out of His bounty And  ALLAH is Bountiful Wise.  And to ALLAH belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the ear...


TOWARDS UNDERSTANDING ISLAM BY Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi Source: U K I M Dawah Centre EDITOR'S PREFACE Ours is an age of anxiety and restlessness. A change is imperceptibly overtaking the world. The old order is disintegrating; the new one is, however, yet to come. And history tells us that such ages of restlessness have also been periods of birth for new movements and cultures. The world is in the grip of a tension and awaits a twentieth-century renaissance of man. A significant feature of the present century is the new and wide-spread trend of Islam revival. After a long period of stagnation the world of Islam is rising from its stupor. A new awakening has appeared on the horizon; a new life is being infused into the community of Islam. This trend is visible in every country and at every place and has within it the possibilities of its becoming the harbinger of a new age. But this revivalist trend can become the messenger of a New only if is accompa...