
Then when you recite Quran, ask refuge of ALLAH from the devil (Satan) the rejected one.
Suroh Nahli-16 (The Bee) Verse 98

Undoubtedly, It is from Sulaiman and It is by the name of ALLAH, the Most Affectionate, and the Merciful.
Suroh Namli-27 (The Ant) Verse 30

And indeed ALLAH created man and ALLAH knows what his soul whisper within him, and ALLAH is nearer to him than even his jugular vein. 
Suroh Kof-50 (The Arabic Letter Kof) Verse 16

 "And certainly, ALLAH has made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, So is there any who will receive admonition?"
 Al Komar-The Moon-54, Verses 17,22,32 & 40.

Essential to understand Quran in Bangla

Essential to understand Quran in English

Suroh Baqaroh (The Cow)

And if they both separate, then ALLAH will make each of you independent from the other out of His bounty And ALLAH is Bountiful Wise. And to ALLAH belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And undoubtedly, ALLAH has enjoined those who were given the Book before you and you too that remain fearing ALLAH. But if you commit infidelity then undoubtedly, to ALLAH belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And ALLAH is Carefree All-Praised. And to ALLAH belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And ALLAH is sufficient as real Doer. 'O people! If He pleases, He can take you away, and bring others. And ALLAH has full power to do this. Whoso desires the reward of the world then with ALLAH is the reward both of the world and of the Hereafter. And ALLAH is Hearing, Seeing.  'O believers! Stand firmly for justice, giving witness for ALLAH, may be therein your own loss, or of your parents or of your relations. Against whom you be a witness, he be a rich or be a poor, in any case ALLAH has more power than any one over them, therefore follow not passion lest you may be far away from justice; and if you distort or turn your face, then ALLAH is aware of your doings.  'O believers! Keep faith in ALLAH and His Messenger and the Book which He has sent down upon His Messenger and the Book which has been sent down before. And who denies ALLAH and His angels and His Books and His Messengers and the Last Day, then certainly he strayed far way. Undoubtedly, those who accepted faith, then became infidels, then again accepted faith, then became infidels then after increased in infidelity, ALLAH will never forgive them nor will show them the way. Give tidings to the hypocrites that for them is the painful torment. Those who take infidels for friends instead of Muslims, Do they seek honour with them then all honour is for ALLAH. And undoubtedly ALLAH has already sent down to you in the Book that, when you hear the signs of ALLAH being denied and is being ridiculed, then sit not with them until they engage in some other conversation, otherwise you would be like them too. Undoubtedly, ALLAH will gather hypocrites and infidels all in Hell. Those who use to watch your position, then if you get victory from ALLAH, they say, 'Were We not with you, and if the infidels had a share, then they say to them, 'Had we not control over you?' and we protected you from the Muslims. Then ALLAH will decide between you all on the Day of Judgement. And ALLAH will not make a way for the infidels against Muslims
Verse 130-141

And O beloved! When so-ever you come forth turn your face towards the sacred Mosque (Kaaba) And O Muslims! Turn your faces towards the same, wherever you be, so that people may have no argument against you, but those among them who do injustice, so fear them not and fear Me. And it is for this that I may perfect My favour upon you and that you may be rightly guided. As We sent in you Messenger from among you, that he recites Our signs to you and purifies you and teaches
you the Book and mature knowledge and teaches you that which you did not know.
Therefore remember Me, I shall remember you, and accept My right and do not be ungrateful to Me.
O Believers! Seek help with patience and prayer; no doubt, ALLAH is with the Patients. And say not those who are killed in the path of ALLAH as dead; but they are alive yes, you are unaware. And necessarily, We shall put you to test with something of fear and hunger and with some loss of wealth and lives and fruits; and give glad tidings to the patient. That when any calamity comes to them, then they say "We are belongings of ALLAH and we are to return to Him alone." These are the people on whom are the benediction from their Lord and mercy; and they are only on the guidance. 
Verse 150-157

And when it is said to them, 'follow what ALLAH has sent down, they say, 'Nay We shall follow that whereon we found our fathers, what! Even if their fathers had no sense at all and no guidance?
And the saying of disbeliveers is like him who calls unto that who hears nothing except a shout and cry; deaf, dumb, blind, so they have no sense. Verse 170-171

O Believers! Fasting have been made obligatory upon you as were made obligatory upon those before you, so that you may become pious. The days are counted. Then who so among you is ill or on a journey then same number of fasting in other days, and those who have no strength, they should give in ransom meal to a needy: then who so does more good voluntarily, then that is better for him, and fasting is better for you if you know. The month of Si-ium in which Quran was sent down, the direction for the people and guidance and clear signs of judgement; that whoso of you finds this month, necessarily, he should fast in it, and whoso is ill or on a journey then same number of fasting in other days; ALLAH desires facility for you and desires not hardship and for this, that you should complete the counting and speak of the Greatness of Allah, as He guided you and so that you may be grateful. And O beloved, when My bondsmen ask you about Me, then I am indeed near, accept the call of the caller when he calls upon Me; then they should obey My Commands and believe in Me, so that they may get the way. It was made lawful for you to go near your women in the nights of fasting. They are your garments and you are their garments. ALLAH know that you used to put your souls in defalcation, then He accepted your repentance and pardoned you; then now copulate (Intercourse) with them and seek what ALLAH has written in your destiny and eat and drink until white thread becomes distinct to you from the black thread at the dawn; then complete the fasts till coming of night, and do not touch the women when you remain in the mosques, for devotion. These are the limits of Allah, do not approach them. ALLAH thus describes His Signs to the people, so that they may become pious. Verse 183-187

There is no compulsion in religion; no doubt the virtuous path has become clearly distinct from the erring; then whoso does not accept devil and believes in Allah, he grasped a very firm knot which is never to open and Allah Hears and Knows. Verse 256

Those who devour interest shall not stand on the Day of judgement, but like the standing of one whom the evil spirit has by touching made mad. This is because they said 'The trade too is like interest,' and ALLAH made trade lawful and made interest unlawful. So he, who received admonition from his Lord and refrained, then whatever he took before is lawful to him, and his affair is with ALLAH. And now whoever shall commit such. Fault, they are men of hell, they will live therein for longer period. ALLAH destroys interest and increases charity and ALLAH loves not any ungrateful big sinner. Verse 275-276

To ALLAH belongs what" ever is in the heaven and whatever is in the earth; and if you disclose whatever is in your heart or keep it hidden, ALLAH will call you to account for it; then He will forgive whomsoever He pleases and punish whomsoever He pleases, and ALLAH is Potent over every thing. The Messenger believed in that which was sent down to him from his Lord and the believers all accepted ALLAH and His angels and His Books and His messengers saying this, 'that we do not differentiate in the matter of having faith in any of His messengers' and submitted that we heard and obeyed. Let there be your forgiveness, O our Lord! And to you is our return. ALLAH places not burden on any soul but to the extent of his strength whatever good it earned is useful for it and whatever bad it earned is a loss for it. O our Lord! Catch not us if we forget or miss the mark! O our Lord! And place not heavy burden on us as you had placed on those before us. O our Lord! Put not that burden on us of which we have no strength to bear! And pardon us and forgive and have mercy on us. You are our Master; then help us against the infidels  Verse 284-286

Suroh Nisa (The Women)

And if you apprehend that you will not be able to do justice to orphan girls, then marry such other women as seem good to you, two, three, four, but if you are afraid that you will not be able to keep two wives on equal terms, then marry one only or captives whom you own. This is nearer to keeping you away from doing injustice. And give the women their dowries willingly. But if they, of their own pleasure of heart remit something of it to you, then consume it with taste and pleasure.
                                                                                            Verse 3-4

Men are incharge over women, because ALLAH has made one of them excel over another, and because men have expended their wealth over them, so the virtuous women are submissive, they keep watch in the absence of husband as ALLAH commanded to watch. And as to those women whose disobedience you fear, then admonish them and sleep apart from them, and beat them (lightly), then if they come under your command, then seek not any way of excess against them. Undoubtedly, ALLAH is Exalted, Great. And if you fear a dispute between husband and wife, then appoint an arbiter from the side of the family of man and an arbiter from the side of the family of woman, if these two will desire reconciliation, then Allah will cause unity between them. Undoubtedly, ALLAH is knowing, Aware. And worship ALLAH, and do not associate anyone with Him and do good to parents, and to relatives and orphans, and the needy, and the near neighbour and the distant neighbour and the companion of your side and the wayfarer and to your male and female servants. Undoubtedly, Allah loves not the proud, boastful. Verse 34-36

And when you are greeted with any word of greeting then, greet him back with a better word than it or return the same. Undoubtedly, ALLAH is Reckoner of everything. ALLAH is beside whom there is none to be worshiped. And He will certainly gather you on the Day of Resurrection of which there is no doubt. And who is more truthful in his word than Allah. Verse 86-87

And undoubtedly ALLAH has already sent down to you in the Book that, when you hear the signs of Allah being denied and is being ridiculed, then sit not with them until they engage in some other conversation, otherwise you would be like them too. Undoubtedly, Allah will gather hypocrites and infidels all in Hell. Verse 140

Suroh Ma-IDah (The Table Spread)

They are habitual listeners of lies, great devourers of the things forbidden. So if they come to you, then judge between them or turn your face from them, and if you will turn your face from them, they shall not harm you at all. And if you judge between them then judge with justice. Undoubtedly, ALLAH likes the just. And how they will wish judgement from you while they have Taurah with them wherein is ALLAH's judgement then thereafter they turn away their faces from it. And they are not to believe. Undoubtedly, We have sent down Taurah, wherein is the guidance and light. According to it the Jews were ordered by Our obedient prophets and men of reaming and, jurists for it was desired from them to preserve the Book of ALLAH and they were witnesses to it, then fear not people, but fear Me and do not accept mean price for Our Signs. And whoso judges not according to what ALLAH has sent down, they are the persons who are infidels Verse 42-44

Suroh An-Am (Animal Cattle)

And O listener! There are majority of those on earth that if you follow their saying, then they would mislead you from the way of ALLAH. They are only behind their imaginations and they are in mere conjecture. Verse 116

Suroh Yunus (Prophet name)

And they say, 'when this promise will come, if you are truthful.' Say, you 'I have no (Personal) power of the good and bad for myself but whatever ALLAH pleases.' For every nation there is fixed term. When their term will come, then neither they can stay behind for an hour, nor can they advance. Say you, 'tell me, if His torment comes upon you by night or day, then what is there in for which the guilty are in hurry'? Will you then believe therein when it would occur actually? Do you now believe, whereas you were hastening for it before? Verse 48-51

And if your Lord had willed, all those who are in the earth would have believed together. Will you, then force people until they become Muslims? And no soul has power to believe but by the leave of Allah. And He lays His torment upon those who have no wisdom. Say you, 'behold what is in the heavens and in the earth'! And signs and messengers give nothing to those. Who are not to believe.
Verse 99-101

Suroh Bani I-srail or Isra

( The Night Journey or The Children of Israil )

'O listener! Set up not another god with ALLAH lest you will remain sitting down despised and helpless. And your Lord Commanded that worship not any else excepts Him and does good to parents. If either or both of them reach old age before you, utter not even a faint cry to them and chide them not and speak to them the word of respect. And spread for them the arm of humility with tender heart and say, 'O my Lord; have mercy on these both as they both brought me up in my childhood.' Your Lord knows well what is in your hearts, if you be righteous, then no doubt. He is Forgiving to those who repent. And give kinsmen their right and to the needy and the traveler and spend not extravagantly. No doubt, the extravagants are the brothers of the Devils (Satan). And the devil is very ungrateful to his Lord. If you turn your face from them in seeking the mercy of your Lord for which you have hope, then speak to them a gentle word. And keep not your hand tied with your neck, nor open it completely lest you sit down, blamed, tired. No doubt, your Lord extends the provision for whom He pleases and He straitens. No doubt, He knows well, sees His bondmen. And kill not your children for fear of poverty; We shall provide them and you too. No doubt, their murder is a great error. And approach not adultery, undoubtedly that is immodesty and a very vile path. And kill not any soul. Which ALLAH has forbidden without right. And whoso is killed without right, then undoubtedly We have given authority to his heirs, but he should not exceed the limit in killing. Necessarily he is to be helped. And approach not the property of the orphan, but by a way, which is best. Until he reaches his maturity and fulfils the promise, undoubtedly the promise is to be questioned of. And measure full when you measure. And weigh with an even balance. This is better and its end is good. And go not after that thing of which you know not. No doubt, the ear and the eye and the heart all are to be questioned of. And walk not in the earth boastfully, undoubtedly, you shall never cleave the earth, and shall never reach to the mountains in the height. The evil thing of all these is not liked by your Lord. This is of those revelations, which your Lord has sent to you of wisdom. And O listener; set not another god with ALLAH lest you be thrown in the hell taunted, being kicked. Has your Lord picked you for sons and made for Himself daughters from the angels? No doubt, you speak boastfully.
And no doubt, We explained in this Quran variedly that they might understand. And nothing is increased in them by it but hatted. Say you, 'If there had been other gods with Him as they say, then they would have sought out any way towards the Owner of the Throne. Holy and Exalted is He, He is High above of what they say. The seven heavens and earth and whoever is in it speak of His Glory. And there is nothing, which might not speak of His Glory praising Him; yes you understand not their glorification. No doubt, He is Forbearing, Forgiving.
Verse 22-44

Surih Najmi (The Star)

26. And how many an angel is there in the heavens that their intercession availed nothing but when ALLAH permits to whomsoever He desires and pleases.
27. Undoubtedly, those who do not believe in the Hereafter, name the angels with the names of females.
28. And they have no knowledge thereof. They follow mere conjecture and verily the conjecture avails nothing against the conviction.
29. Therefore, turn your face from them who turned back from Our remembrance and who desired not but the life of the world.

33. Did you observe him who turned away?
34. And gave a little and then stopped?
35. Has he the knowledge of the unseen, so he is seeing.
36. Has he not been told of what is in the scriptures of Musa?
37. And of Ibrahim who fulfilled the Commandments.
38. That no soul-bearing burden bears the burden of another.
39. And that the man will not get but what he endeavors.
40. And that his endeavour shall soon be seen.
41. Then he shall be recompensed for it fully.
42. And that verily, towards your Lord is the end.
43. And that it is He who made one to laugh and made one to weep.
44. And that it is He who caused death and caused life.
45. And that it is He who made pairs male and female.
46. From the sperm when it is poured forth.
47. And that it is for Him the second raising.
48. And that it is He Who enriched and gave satisfaction.
49. And that it is He Who is the Lord of the star Sirius.
50. And that it is He Who destroyed the first Aad;
51. And Thamud, then left none.
52. And before this the people of Nuh verily, they were more unjust and contumacious than them.
53. And He demolished the city to be over-turned.
54. Then covered them what covered them.
55. Therefore O listener', which of your Lord favours would you doubt?
56. This is a warner like the former warners.
57. It came near that was to come near.
58. There is none to open it save ALLAH.
59. Do you then wonder at this discourse?
60. And do you laugh, and weep not.
61. And you are sporting.
62. Therefore prostrate yourselves for ALLAH and worship Him. [^] (SAJDA) 12.

Suroh Hadid (The Iron)

Know that the life of the world is not but a sport and amusement and an adornment and a source of boasting among yourselves and desiring multiplication in riches and children against one another It is like the rain whose vegetation pleased the tillers, then it dried up that you see it yellow then it was trampled into pieces. And in the Hereafter, there is severe torment and forgiveness from ALLAH and His pleasure. And the life of the world is nothing but a deceitful wealth. Go forward towards the forgiveness of your Lord and towards a paradise of which the breadth is as the width of the heavens and the earth prepared for those who believed in ALLAH and His Messenger. This is the grace of ALLAH; He bestows it upon whom so ever He pleases. And ALLAH is the possessor of great grace No calamity reaches either in the earth or in your own persons, but it is in a Book, before We create it; Undoubtedly, it is easy for ALLAHSo that you may not give over what is lost to you, nor rejoice over what is given to you and ALLAH loves not any exultant, boastful. Such as are niggardly and command men to be niggardly. And whosoever turns away, then surely, ALLAH is the self-sufficient, All Praised. Verse 20-24

Suroh Mujadilah (The Pleading Woman)

You will not find a people who believe in ALLAH and the last Day taking as their friends those who opposed ALLAH and His Messenger, even though they be their fathers or their sons or their brotheren or their kinsmen. These are they in whose hearts ALLAH has inscribed faith and helped them with a spirit from Himself, and will make them enter gardens beneath which flow streams, abiding therein, ALLAH is pleased with them and they are pleased with ALLAH. This is ALLAH's party. Do you hear'? it is ALLAH's party that is successful. Verse 22

Suroh Haqqah (The Reality)

38. But no, I swear by what you see.
39. And by all that, you see not.
40. Undoubtedly, this Quran is the talks with a noble Messenger.
41. And it is not the word of any poet. How little you believe!
42. And it is not the word of any sooth sayer. How little you heed!
43. I have been sent down by Him who is the Lord of entire world.
44. And if he would have said against Us even one word forging from himself.
45. We would surely have taken revenge with full force.
46. And then We would surely have severed his life vein.
47. And not any of you could have defended him.
48. And undoubtedly; this Quran is an admonition to the God-fearing.
49. And surely, We know that some among you are beliers.
50. And undoubtedly, it is a great sorrow to the infidels.
51. And undoubtedly, it is the truth of absolute certainty.
52. So O beloved prophet! glorify your Lord the Great.

Suroh Maarij (The Ascending Stairways)

19.Undoubtedly, man has been made impatient greedy.
20. When evil touches him, he is badly perplexed,
21. And when good reaches him, he withheld,
22. But those who pray,
23. Those who are constant in their prayer.
24. And those in whose wealth there are a known right.
25. For one who asks for and for one who could not even ask for and remains deprived.
26. And those who know the Day of judgement a reality.
27. And those who are afraid of the torment of their Lord.
28. Undoubtedly, the torment of their Lord is not a thing to become un-fearful.
29. And those who guard their private parts.
30. But from their wives and from those whom their hands possess. They are not to be blamed for them.
31 And who seeks others save those two then they are the transgressors.
32. And those who safeguard their trusts and their covenant,
33. And those who are firm on their testimonies,
34. And those who preserve their prayers.
35. They are, who shall be honoured in the Gardens.

Suroh Dahri or Insan (The Time or Man)

25. And remember the name of your Lord morning and evening.
26. And in part of night, prostrate yourself before Him and magnify Him through the long night.
27. Undoubtedly these people love the things under feet, and has already left behind a heavy day.
28. We created them, and strengthened their joints, and when We will, We shall exchange their likes
29. Undoubtedly, this is an admonition, so whoever wishes may take a way unto his Lord.
30. And what you will, but only this ALLAH wills. Undoubtedly, He is All-Knowing, Wise
31. He causes whom He pleases to enter His mercy, and for the unjust, He has already kept prepared a painful torment.

These is collection of the verses of Quran that I usually picked up as a note during my studying,
Yet to be continued

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